Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Closing Note

Well, I have to admit I was pretty bad there at the end on keeping everyone updated. Not only did I have tons of trips to keep track of, but without the internet access in school, it became too difficult. Not to mention the fact that for an AFSer, after a few months everything starts feeling pretty routine. I didn't feel like I had a lot more to say!

Anyhow, I want to close with a few notes. One, that I got back safely and am now home, looking for a job (wow, that's hard).
Two, that if you're an AFSer or are interested in becoming one, send me an email! I would love to talk to you and tell you some things you might need to know.
Third, I have some helpful hints to other kids who are leaving the States with AFS. I had a hard time finding a lot of info, so I'll throw some stuff out there.

Family gifts: Baseball team shirts. Buy bigger, rather than smaller. I gave my brother a small, and he had grown a lot since the picture he sent me. Get larges, and they're pyjamas! Candy: Although a lot of American candy is available in other countries, it's expensive. Snickers, M&Ms, Skittles (especially sour!!), Milky Ways, just the typical stuff. Peanut butter and all kinds of recipes for it. A photo album of your family and you that looks nice and your family can show to everyone. A scarf and pretty broach for your mom. Cologne for your dad. Foods like cookies that your family bakes and you can make more of.

How you're going to call: SKYPE!!! You can get a local phone number in practically any part of the world, so you make a local call to Skype... They connect you, at their rate, and you pay online. It's like 2 cents a minute for most of the world.

How to get money: Dunno about other countries, but I think a Visa ATM card should work fine for anywhere. I know that there are ATMs all over the place, even in the smallest cities, in Chile. Have your parents set up a checking account that they can put money (emergencies are something to think about) in online. Count on spending $200 a month. You can be frugal as heck, but you're still going to have to buy things. I regularly bought bus tickets, taxi fares, and school lunch. You may have to pay for your transportation to school and your uniform (a lot, in all!)

Alright, I guess that's about it!
I'm headed to school tomorrow at 10:30, pursuing babysitting jobs, and getting into online classes... Hooray!!
Thanks to everyone who read!
Que esten muy muy bien!
Final goodbye: